Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 16th May, 2014.
Each year, we at R-Comp look forward to being able to attend the RISC OS eXperience organised by the Big Ben Club in Holland. Indeed, we’ve always tried to support club members, who seem to be amongst the most passionate of RISC OS users.
Sadly, this year family medical commitments in the US prevent our attendance, which is naturally frustrating to us, as we always enjoy the visit to the Netherlands.
However, in lieu of being there in the flesh, we’d like to offer those of you in Holland, Belgium or Germany attending the show free delivery on any items of software/hardware you’d like from us (within reason!) This offer is valid for the whole week, until 25th May. It won’t be the same as seeing everyone, but hopefully it’ll mean anyone expecting to purchase something from us there won’t be disappointed.
Once again, we’re sorry not to be able to make it this year, but hope to be back again next year, all being well.