A long break means a large back-log. Oh well. :/
Readers of RISCOSitory will undoubtedly have noticed that, over the last few months, there has been very little posted on the site. Apart from three posts in late November, and about half a dozen in mid December, RISCOSitory has fallen silent since the 2012 London Show.
This lack of posts started as a result of a health issue discovered around the start of November – specifically, my blood pressure was found to be not just high, but dangerously so, which resulted in my having to spend a few days in hospital where the doctors and nurses (mmmm, nurses, *drool*) could keep an eye on me while it was brought down to levels that were a touch more sensible (a bit of a struggle with all those nurses around, but hey ho!) Since then, I’ve obviously been on medication to hopefully get the blood pressure down closer to normal levels and then under control, and under strict orders to do less work and relax more – medication that will continue, and orders that will be in force, long into the future.
This has affected RISCOSitory because, even though it doesn’t currently generate an income, it is something I consider work – and, when it comes to work, I must prioritise on those things that do generate an income, and the period from late November until late February/early March is generally my busiest when it comes to paid work. So RISCOSitory has been largely left to gather dust.
That busy period has now more or less come to an end, so I can start devoting time to the site once more.
Unfortunately, I do have a back-log of things to post, and the options were to either ignore it and just look out for new items from this point forward, collate the back-log into one big round-up, or post things individually. My decision is a sort of combination of the three, weighted towards the last of those options; I’m going to work through the back-log to trim it down a little, and perhaps collate any items that are related but, outside of that, each item I have will be posted individually. All of which means that:
- Firstly, there will be out of date news; posts will be appearing that pertain to releases from a few months ago.
- Secondly, I still need to restrict how much I do, so it’ll take a few weeks to work through the back-log and truly bring the site up to date.
The important thing, however, is that it means RISCOSitory is back.
As well as a return to something resembling normal operations, it is also time for some changes.
Some time back, I removed the need to register with the site, instead allowing people to post comments with no need to sign-in. That opened the door to spam, and the amount of spam-comments the site receives is ridiculous – and because all comments are moderated, that means I see each and every one of them in order to spot legitimate comments. Which equates to more work on my part. Therefore, to reduce that, I will be putting the site back as it was before, whereby only registered users could post comments after first signing in. The previous settings were such that any comment containing a link had to be approved, as did the first few posts from any given individual – and that’s how it will be again from later today.
Around the same time as making that change, I also changed the RSS feed so that the entire post was included, meaning those who read RISCOSitory using suitable software and services, such as Google Reader, could do so from within that software/service, with no need to visit the site. This will also be changing, and the RSS feed will return to its previous form, whereby it contained either the first paragraph or two, or a summary of the post; to read posts in full, people will once again have to visit the site – which should be easy enough to for those using decent RSS readers; if any given item looks interesting, the full post on RISCOSitory should only be a click away.
Welcome back – we missed you!