DRenderer audio playback module – provisional update

Christopher Martin has contacted me to let me know that version 0.52-1 of the DRenderer module, which is the version currently found in the package on riscos.info, is obsolete and has a number of problems.

He has been working on the module, and has contributed new sources and a build system to the GCCSDK team, so the next GCCSDK release should include version 0.54 (or later) of the module.

Until that release, Chris has made DRenderer version 0.54 available himself.

Recent posts on RISCOSitory.com that link to version 0.52-1 of DRenderer are today’s item about Chris Gransden’s port of the emulator Mednafen, and the 24th March Snippets post, in which Christopher Martin’s own ports of FFmpeg and FFplay are mentioned. The FFmpeg page on Christopher’s site links to his updated version of the module, as well as to his updated version of PlayIt.


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One Thought to “DRenderer audio playback module – provisional update”

  1. […] Martin has been updating the module, and provisionally hosting it until a new version of SharedUnixLibrary is made available, along […]

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