In three… two… one… well, okay, a few days time.
This coming Saturday, 28th September, marks the ribbon being cut on the RISC OS community’s newest show, which takes place at Innovation Warehouse, Portsmouth, 2nd Floor, Innovation Space building, 1 Hampshire Terrace, Portsmouth, PO1 2QF.
The show, while billed as a RISC OS show, is very likely to heavily feature the Raspberry Pi, with many of the exhibitors either showing off projects based on the popular little board, or simply using it to run their software. It has been organised by RISC OS Open Ltd, and they are keen to point out that it’s their first attempt at doing so, asking that everyone helps to make it a success – and one way to do that is to be there!
Confirmed exhibitors include:
- CJE Micro’s who say they will be bringing with them “most of the World’s Largest Range of Raspberry Pi Accessories” – complete with capitalisation.
- Drag ‘n’ Drop, the on, then off again, then on again, then off again, and now under new management PDF magazine.
- MathMagical and RISCOScode, both represented by Martin Hansen. Expect colours. Lots of colours. And lights.
- Organizer, the Personal Information Manager for RISC OS.
- Piccolo Systems which, for those who aren’t familiar with the name, is Ben Avison’s trading name, under which he recently released CloneDisc.
- R-Comp, who have yet to make any announcements about the show, but who will almost certainly be in competition with CJE to see who has the biggest stand.
- RISC OS Open Ltd, without whom the show wouldn’t be happening – and, therefore, without whom it would be a bit odd.
- RISCOSitory and Soft Rock Software. That’s me! I’ll be showing off WebChange, selling copies of Chris Hall’s book “Getting Started with RISC OS on the Raspberry Pi“, and telling people about a new RISC OS related website that’s coming soon.
- Steve Drain, developer of programming tool Basalt, a module which conveniently adds new keywords to BBC Basic, and who often brings along a portable Raspberry Pi solution to shows.
If you’re thinking of popping in, the doors will be open to the public from 11am until 5pm, and entry will cost you one penny, minus your change of one penny. In other words, it’s free!
In other news, the ROOL boys have been at it with their time lapse footage again, this time at a Raspberry Jam that was held at the same location, in July:
Portsmouth Jam, 2013 from RISC OS Open on Vimeo.
The only thing missing is some suitable, Benny Hill-style music. Or, if you watch Steve Revill’s feet from about 45 seconds in, when he’s talking to Chris Evans, perhaps something like River Dance. (And for that matter, go back to ROOL’s time lapse footage of the South West Show 2013 and keep an eye on Ben Avison!)