A June German get together.
The Arche Acorn User Club, based in the Ruhr area of Germany and describing itself as being “for the Friends of the RISC OS machines Acorn Archimedes, Acorn Risc PC, IYONIX pc, A9home and all other RISC OS computers,” are organising an “Arche user gathering”.
The gathering, number 2.2 on their (new) numbering scheme, will take place from 1pm on Saturday, 16th June, 2012, in Room 104 of the Unperfekthaus, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18, 45127 Essen – the same location as the last two gatherings, which took place during 2011.
Holger Palmroth, who announced the gathering (English translation courtesy of Google) on the arcsite.de forum, explained that as with the previous gatherings, there isn’t a fixed programme for the day – anyone with hardware is welcome to come along, and there is no real restriction on what that hardware is, suggesting anything from the Archimedes A305 to the Raspberry Pi, and adding that this time the gathering isn’t going to be a pure RISC OS meeting, because an Amiga group has also been invited.
Entry is to the Unperfekthaus itself, a hotel and restaurant, with a fee of €6.50 for up to five hours, or €10.50 for the whole day. A small selection from the buffet costs another €6.50, a bigger dish €9.50, or there is an all you can eat option for €12.50. Coffee and soft drinks are free, and the fees are payable on leaving the venue.
Holger asks that would-be attendees send him an email to let him know, using his h.palmroth@gmx.de email address, detailing the hardware they intend to bring along, and points people towards the forum for further updates.
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