R-Comp have put out a press release about what they’ll have at tomorrow’s Wakefield Show – and they say there will be the usual array of software releases, such as the newly announced Genealogy 1.80, and Fireworkz 2.20 (a fiver and your disc for the old version gets you the new), the latest updates to SafeStore, and more.
They will also have PiFi v2. PiFi is the product that allows you to use a handy spare Raspberry Pi (running Linux) into a WiFi bridge of sorts for another RISC OS computer. One of the benefits of version 2 is that instead of configuring it with your web browser, you’ll actually be able to configure it with a RISC OS application designed for the purpose – and it sounds as if it can now use the built-in WiFi of the Raspbery Pi 3 if that’s the version of Pi you use it with.
There was a lot more in the press release, but being sent late last night, there’s not enough time spare here in the RISCOSitory bunker to do it justice – just come to the show!