The newly established record for how long it takes to publish a show report is broken again! Er… yay?
Search Results for: NetFetch
R-Comp and RCI at the Dutch RISC OS eXperience this weekend
Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 17th May, 2016. We are pleased to announce that R-Comp and RCI will be present at the RISC OS eXperience event near Amsterdam this weekend. It is always a great pleasure to meet the Dutch RISC OS users and show what we’ve been up to in the past year.
RISC OS Awards 2015: Alternative options revisited
An updated look at the alternative options people have voted for so far. The voting form for the 2015 RISC OS Awards poll went live seven weeks ago tomorrow – and the current tally stands at a few short of 140. This is a notable improvement on last year’s poll, which received around a hundred entries after being open for over two months, although still a little short of the previous year’s 150 – and ideally, even that could be bettered.
RISC OS Awards 2015: Alternative options
Have you voted yet? If not, get voting – and here are some additional ideas! The voting form for the 2015 RISC OS Awards poll went live three weeks ago today, and there have so far been just over a hundred entries – which is still a long way short of the first poll run by RISCOSitory two years ago, in which there were around 150 votes, but already a match for last year’s poll (in fact, it’s a very small improvement), which received around a hundred entries after being…
Messenger Pro 7.08 now available
I said do you speak-a my-language? He just smiled and gave me a Messenger update! A new version of Messenger Pro has been released by R-Comp. Described by the company as “the premier email solution for RISC OS”, Messenger Pro is a comprehensively featured email client, supporting both POP3 and SMTP (by way of secondary transport applications such as Hermes, itself part of other commercial offerings from R-Comp, or POPStar, a free alternative) as well as IMAP. The software also provides usenet access, with NewsHound being used to fetch and…
ImpEmail becomes a separate product
Mail-merging email software spreads its wings. Back in April, at this years Wakefield Show, Sine Nomine Software introduced ImpEmail. a tool that worked alonside (and was therefore supplied with) their relational database, Impact, to create mail-merged emails. However, a new version of the module has just been announced, and this version marks the availability of ImpEmail as a separate product.
Messenger Pro 6.06 released
Minor niggle knocked back. R-Comp have sent out a new version of their news and email client, Messenger Pro, to users. The new version makes it easier to use the software’s facilities to save one or more messages to an external location on your hard drive – or to another location on your network, or an external storage medium. Until now, in order to access these files, Messenger Pro needed to be already running, but the update to 6.06 enables these messages to be opened even if the application hasn’t…
Wakefield 2012 show report
Yet another better late than never report! The last fortnight or so has been a busy one for me, and a major contributor to that has been the annual Wakefield Show, organised as usual by the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC), and held at the Cedar Court Hotel. The show took place on Saturday 28th April, 2012, and it made me busy in the week running up to it because I decided I’d have something new(ish) on show (more on that later), and in the week following it because…
ARMini? There’s an ARM in it!
Following the recent Archive sampler, with its news of a new computer running RISC OS natively that might be unveiled at the South West Show on Saturday, R-Comp Interactive have issued a press release about this new machine, which now has a name; ARMini. Here’s what they had to say: