Snippets – 27th June, 2015

You heard it here first eventually! With a ridiculously busy period now over (mostly – and until/unless things get silly again), it’s time to round up what’s happened in the intervening period in the world of RISC OS.

A new version of Fireworkz for the new year

Well, there are always fireworks to mark the new year, so why not Fireworkz as well? New Year’s Day 2014 saw Stuart Swales announce the release of the latest version of Fireworkz – v1.35/00 – for both RISC OS and Windows – with a long list of changes, some affecting the RISC OS version only, some the Windows version only, and some both. Looking further, that list is even longer, if other updates since the last mention of Fireworkz on RISCOSitory are taken into account – the update to version…

Cat_Draw 32-bitted

No, just because it’s on the internet and it’s called Cat_Draw, that doesn’t mean there are cute pictures of cats. Long time RISC OS user Martin Carradus popped up on the RISC OS Open forums in February in response to a comment about his application, Cat_Draw, not being 32-bit compatible. Martin initially offered to supply his source code, presumably to allow someone else to make the application 32-bit compatible, but a couple of hours later posted again to say that he had now recompiled it himself.