RISCOSbits to show off a new product at Wakefield

Every girl user crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man Pi. A name that should by now be well known in the RISC OS world, if only for having an even dodgier sense of humour than my own, is Andy Marks of RISCOSbits. Describing himself as a Wakefield exhibitor virgin, Andy has let me know what he has planned for the show. Unsurprisingly, that means the usual array of RISCOSbits’ bits, which will be available at special show prices – but that’s not all. Getting the usual bits out of the…

RISC OS Awards 2016 results

The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.

Show report: London 2016

Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor London? This year’s RISC OS London Show took place on 29th October, and while it wasn’t as large as last year’s event (which I’ll discuss near the end of this report) it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile one. So, without any further preamble, here is a run down of what visitors could have seen, working clockwise from the entrance.