The 2019 RISC OS London Show took place on Saturday, 26th October – and once again (speaking as an exhibitor) seemed to be a buzzing, exciting show with plenty for the visitor to see and experience. It was the 11th London Show, with the first having taken place on 3rd October, 2009, and there was a good mix of exhibitors including large well known RISC OS names and smaller home-based operators. As well as many well known faces there were new ones as well, which is always welcome – and…
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Show report: Wakefield 2019
Six months on from the show itself… that’s almost as long as the Long Gap between the Wakefield and London shows! Ahem. The place to be for discerning RISC OS users (and retro Acorn enthusiasts) on Saturday, 27th April, was Wakefield – more specifically, the Cedar Court Hotel in Calder Grove – because that was where the annual Wakefield Acorn and RISC OS Computer Show took place.
Show report: Southwest 2019
It was the dawn of the third age of mankind second venue for the RISC OS Southwest Show Since its inception, each and every Southwest Show until this year’s had been held at the Webbington Hotel in Somerset – a grand total of twenty one shows, with twenty years between the first, which took place on 7th February, 1998, and last year’s event, which took place on 24th February, 2018.
Show report: London 2018
Just in time for Wakefield! With half of a year having passed since the London Show (and the Wakefield Show almost upon us), the RISCOSitory report is more than a little overdue – again! The usual main excuse applies, which is that it’s always busy here in the bunker, and some things have to be put off in favour of other, more important tasks. However, it is now the turn of that task to be used to put off other less important things – so here, at long last, is…
Talk RISC OS in Bristol – 9th January
The next meeting of Bristol RISC OS Users (BRU) takes place on Wednesday 9th January, starting at around 7:00-7:30pm (though some of us may arrive earlier) and continuing until closing time. The meeting will once again take place at:
Show report: Wakefield 2018
That’s last year’s record for a long-delayed show report broken! This year’s Wakefield Show took place on 21st April, at the Cedar Court Hotel, organised by the local user group – the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC). Like last year, I must apologise for another long-delayed RISCOSitory show report. As ever, this is mainly because of how busy I am outside the world of RISC OS, but also because I wanted to edit down my video recordings of the theatre talks to a more manageable length – and video…
The Long Gap is nearly over – the London Show is almost here
This year’s London Show, which marks the end of the Long Gap in the main shows in the RISC OS calendar, takes place on Saturday, 27th October. So with today being the last day of September, it is now just 27 days away.
Show report: Southwest 2018
Better late than never, but not as late as last year – so that’s something, right? This year’s Southwest Show took place on Saturday, 24th February, at the Webbington Hotel and Spa – the same venue at which it has been held every year since its inception. This year’s show was therefore the 21st, marking twenty years since the very first one, held in February 1998. There was therefore cake – which you missed out on if you didn’t come to the show, and which everyone who was present enjoyed.…
Bristol RISC OS Users meeting – 9th May
The next meeting for Bristol RISC OS users will take place on Wednesday, 9th May. Running from 7:30pm until kicking out time, the place to be is: The Eldon House pub, 6 Lower Clifton Hill, Bristol, BS8 1BT.
The Wakefield Show is almost here
It’s where the discerning RISC OS user will be on Saturday, 21st April. It’s now only a little over a week until this year’s Wakefield Show takes place – so let’s take a quick look at what’s in store for you, the discerning RISC OS user in question. Getting some important details out of the way first, the show will take place at its regular venue: