…ALL user group meetings suspended With world in the grips of a pandemic and (like many countries) the UK in lockdown to some degree – just how much of a lockdown may depend on where you are, and what you do – it should be no surprise to anyone who hasn’t had their head buried in the sand recently that user group meetings should not be taking place.
Search Results for: Virus
CJE Micro’s and 4D offer continued support but limited ordering
While the current emergency restrictions are in place, introduced at the start of this week in order to try and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2, CJE Micro’s and 4D have said that they are still able to offer support for customers by email and telephone.
Wakefield show postponed until further notice
Due to the growing health crisis surrounding COVID-19 (the infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2), it has been announced that the Wakefield Acorn and RISC OS Computer Show will now NOT go ahead on 18th April.
25th Wakefield Acorn and RISC OS Show update
Formally announced last month, the organisers of the annual Wakefield Show have sent out an update about this year’s event with a little more information about what visitors can expect.
Show report: Wakefield 2018
That’s last year’s record for a long-delayed show report broken! This year’s Wakefield Show took place on 21st April, at the Cedar Court Hotel, organised by the local user group – the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC). Like last year, I must apologise for another long-delayed RISCOSitory show report. As ever, this is mainly because of how busy I am outside the world of RISC OS, but also because I wanted to edit down my video recordings of the theatre talks to a more manageable length – and video…
Zombie apocalypse unleashed by AMCOG Games
They’re coming to get you Barbara <um… insert name here>! “You have been unable to contact air-traffic control, and after running out of fuel crash landed on an abandoned military base. Strange beings that reek of dead and rotting flesh attacked you and you became separated from your plane.” Well, that can’t be good, but that’s how the blurb for AMCOG Games‘ latest release begins. That release is Island of the Undead, a brand new game from Tony Bartram that puts you in a fight for your life – against…
Show report: Southwest 2016
If I’d finished this two days ago, there might have been a 28 Days Later movie reference here! Oh wait, there still is! This year’s Southwest Show took place on 27th February, and while this year it attracted fewer paying customers through the door than last year (more on that later) there was still a positive vibe, and people – both visitors and exhibitors – seem to have enjoyed the day. So much so that, with next year’s date already set, all but two of this year’s exhibitors have already…
Windows XP end of life – how it affects RISCube/RISCBook users
Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 4th April, 2014. R-Comp Interactive have recently written to users of RISCube and RISCBook computer systems regarding the imminent end-of-life of Windows XP (April 8th). The general advice is “don’t panic” but we have provided a range of (we hope) helpful tips to bear in mind if you’re still using Windows XP on your RISCube or RISCbook.
Snippets – 19th March, 2014
Bringing you the latest yesterday’s last week’s month’s YEAR’s news TODAY! Thanks to a previous engagement being cancelled, an unexpectedly free day means I can – finally – root through my archive of possible news and put together a snippets-post of things that really ought to have been reported on before now on RISCOSitory.
32-bit sound software
Wave, Gen, you’re on RISCOSitory! A couple of old applications for generating RISC OS sounds have been updated for 32-bit compatibility by Jon Scott. The first of these, announced by Jon on the RISC OS Open forums as a re-release of a very old voice module generator, is Wavegen, an application that can create perodic sounds based on mathematical formula such as a simple sine or complex harmonic wavforms.