StrongED 4.69 ‘Vorhees’ edition released

Okay, not really: ‘f13’ means thirteenth full release, and is not a reference to Friday the 13th! Fred Graute has released an update to StrongED. The application was originally developed by Guttorm Vik, who described it, modestly, as a general purpose text editor, allowing you to edit any type of file whose contents were textual in nature, or which could be easily converted to text, such as BASIC programs.

StrongED 4.69f9 released… again

If you were using 4.69f9, you should probably upgrade… to 4.69f9. Fred Graute has released another new version of StrongED, a general purpose and very powerful, yet easy to use text editor. The software, which is an ideal replacement for the vastly less-featured Edit that has been supplied with all RISC OS computers since the days of Acorn, can load any type of file, and be configured to recognise certain types and behave in particular ways as a result.

ToggleBD 2.00 now available

Fred Graute has released version 2.00 of his Pinboard support module, ToggleBD, which can be used to raise the background of your desktop to the top of the window stack – effectively bringing it to the front of the display, with any open windows behind it – so that you can access anything pinned to it, such as iconised windows, shortcuts to files, and so on. Once you’ve got at what you need, the backdrop can be lowered again so that all your open windows can be accessed as normal.