The annual RISC OS Awards poll has now been open for just over two months, and is due to be closed fairly soon. Shortly after the poll began I moved home and didn’t properly set up any computers for quite some time, so the planned occasional review and post of the ‘alternative’ entries didn’t happen, other than one quiet afternoon when I scanned through the votes that had been received at that point and tweeted those alternative entries.
Search Results for: feugey
RISC OS Awards 2017 results
The latest RISC OS Awards poll, covering 2017, came to a close a on Saturday, 26th May – and the results are now known. The Awards website has been updated to show the results, and the winners (for whom I have contact details) will be notified by email later today, with direct links to the results so that they can be referred to on the their own websites. The results have already been announced on the RISCOSitory Twitter feed, but for anyone not using Twitter they are below.
RISC OS Awards 2016 results
The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.
RISC OS Awards 2016: Alternative options revisited
If you have yet to vote, here are even more options for you – so why not get voting NOW? The RISC OS Awards 2016 voting form was put online on 18th December, and while the number of votes looked promising compared to last year the first time the alternative options were published, this is no longer the case. When the second round of alternative options were posted last year, approximately seven weeks after the polls were opened, the voting form had been completed approximately 140 times. Today – also…
Expose your desktop for some BASIC tools
But cover up any private bits! In yet another BASIC-based initiative on the part of David Feugey’s RISC OS FR, a tailored edition of the latest Desktop Development Environment from RISC OS Open Ltd is on offer to people who want to get into BASIC programming, for the grand price tag of zero pounds, zero pence1, and one screenshot of your RISC OS desktop.
RISC OS Awards 2016: Alternative options
If you have yet to vote, here are some more options for you! The RISC OS Awards 2016 voting form was put online on 18th December, and there have been a similar number of votes cast as at the same point last year, so it’s about time for a quick run down of the alternative options that people have voted for this time around.
Snippets – 16th October, 2016
Out of the chaos comes… another round up of (mostly late) news! With yet another protracted busy period here in the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker, it’s time to round up some news that has either been previously missed, or held back until more time was available.
Snippets – 26th August, 2016
Round up, round up; news in a very late style. (That was what China Crisis sang, wasn’t it?) The bunker has been engulfed in chaos for quite a while – with a heavy workload leading to a period of hectic and frantic headless chicken impersonations. On top of that, a partial change of platforms has been undertaken, with some work being migrated from Windows (grr, spit, hiss) to Linux – and being completely new to Linux, that has meant adding a bit of self-education into the mix, not to mention…
RISC OS Fr launches Raspberry Pie contest
Despite the ‘e’ it is computer-related, and not some kind of Great British French Bake Off. Shortly before this year’s Wakefield Show David Feugey, the man behind RISC OS Fr, pre-announced an, er, announcement that would made on the morning of the show – and the announcement he pre-announced was indeed announced when he said it would be announced. And what was that announcement? It was for the Raspberry Pie contest.
RISC OS FR: Ready for the surprise?
Announcement from David Feugey, 14th April, 2016. We are silent, but active: we refreshed almost all our web pages, switched to HTTPS, updated the list of RISC OS computers, posted our 1000th message on the RISC OS FR mailing list and received the prize of “Best foreign language resource” for the second time (thanks!).