AMCOG Games has released an update to the RDSP module, which enhances the RISC OS sound system and provides a virtual sound chip with 16 channels, easy sample playback, ENVELOPE command support, and much more. Now at version 0.87, the software can now record and save its output to a WAV file, making it possible to create sound effects on a suitable RISC OS computer for use elsewhere. The RDSP web page includes a number of example WAV files to illustrate what the module is capable of – and there…
Search Results for: RDSP
News nybble: Fifth beta of RDSP released
RDSP, the free sound module from AMCOG Games that provides modern RISC OS systems with a greatly enhanced sound system, has been updated. Version 0.40, the fifth beta release of the module, adds a digital chorus effect, a 365 note queue for each of the 16 sound channels, and stereo sound placement. Although considered beta quality, the Wavebox-inspired module has proven to be reliable in the field, and is in use in a number of titles – from free games such as SpaceShip, written by Patrick M with sound added…
News nybble: RDSP beta receives a tune up
AMCOG Games’ Tony Bartram has released an updated beta [zip] version of his Wavebox-inspired synthesiser module, RDSP. The module provides modern RISC OS computer systems with the means to both synthesise sounds, and play back sound samples with various effects applied to them. The latest version – the second beta release – adds support for modulating samples via BASIC’s ENVELOPE command, support for sample looping (which means a simple drum loop, for example, can be made to play indefinitely), increases the number of channels to sixteen, and much more. For…
Wizard Lore – a new game from AMCOG
Attendees of the recent Southwest Show will have had the opportunity to try out and buy the latest title from AMCOG Games, and it is now available to everyone else to purchase from !Store.
Defend Earth from the Chronites in TIMERUN from AMCOG Games
Adding to an ever growing list, the latest title from AMCOG Games is TIMERUN, and it had its first public release at the recent MUG RISC OS Xmas Market, and is now available to buy from !Store, priced at £9.99.
A few videos from MUG for your viewing pleasure
And one from Kevin Wells for budding programmers The Midlands User Group (MUG) held their re-branded summer event on 1st July. What used to be the Midlands Midsummer MUG Show eventually came to a close due to low attendance numbers, but in 2022 it was resurrected as an online event, and this year held again under its new ‘MUG Mega Meeting’ banner – billing it, in effect, as an extended MUG meeting, with a spread of five different speakers over its five hour running time.
Midlands Midsummer MUG Show morphs into MUG Mega Meeting
The time is nigh for the RISC OS world to gather around a single location once again, with the next main event scheduled for Saturday, 1st July. The event is the Midlands User Group‘s MUG Mega Meeting, and the location is in front of your own computer screen, wherever that may be!
Plans for 2023 from AMCOG Games
Tony Bartram of AMCOG Games has outlined some of the things he is working on, and some of the things he has planned for next year. These include video tutorials, a video blog, exhibitions, and new games.
3D Pingo released into the wild
Launched at the recent Wakefield in Bradford Show, 3D Pingo is a new title from AMCOG Games, and it is now available to buy from !Store.
Escape from Exeria gets a CD release at Wakefield in Bradford
At last year’s virtual Wakefield Bradford Wradfold Show, Soft Rock Software released a new version of an old budget game – Escape from Exeria. The new version features: