Christmas to come early for RISC OS users

The RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) announced barely a week ago that, sadly, they are not going to be able to proceed with this year’s London Show; the usual venue isn’t available, and they have been unable to find an alternative. This wasn’t entirely surprising – they were also unable to proceed last year, and they aren’t the only group to have faced struggles organising their annual event recently; the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) also had problems with their annual event, but luckily did manage to…

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Take a look at risks and RISC OS with MUG

Security is an important issue – especially in the modern world where most computers are connected to the internet, whether just occasionally, or almost all the time. While there is a lot to be gained from being so easily connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet, you also need to keep both yourself (and your family) and your data safe – because you’re connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet!

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FAST Show release from RISCOSbits

No, not that Fast Show. You’ll not find Rowley Birkin QC here! The RISC OS Southwest Show is so incredibly close now that the exhibitors are in the hall, teeth chattering and knees knocking at the prospect of the huge throngs of people that will be coming through the door in about half an hour’s time. They’re already lining up outside, and I gather the numbers are so high the queue is visible from the International Space Station.

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