I don’t think anyone can possibly disagree with me when I say that 2020, so far, has been an unusual year. Most of the world is in some form of lockdown due to the SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus) pandemic, with movements beyond our homes and interactions with people beyond our own households at a minimum – which means (in a RISC OS context) shows and user group meetings aren’t taking place.
Search Results for: richard keefe
Show report: London 2019
The 2019 RISC OS London Show took place on Saturday, 26th October – and once again (speaking as an exhibitor) seemed to be a buzzing, exciting show with plenty for the visitor to see and experience. It was the 11th London Show, with the first having taken place on 3rd October, 2009, and there was a good mix of exhibitors including large well known RISC OS names and smaller home-based operators. As well as many well known faces there were new ones as well, which is always welcome – and…
RISC OS Developments acquires Impression family of products
Impression Style now available free of charge Just in time for this year’s London Show, the company formed only a few short years ago by Andrew Rawnsley and Richard Brown has pulled another rabbit out of the hat, and announced that it has recently taken over ownership of the Impression family of products.
Show report: Wakefield 2018
That’s last year’s record for a long-delayed show report broken! This year’s Wakefield Show took place on 21st April, at the Cedar Court Hotel, organised by the local user group – the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC). Like last year, I must apologise for another long-delayed RISCOSitory show report. As ever, this is mainly because of how busy I am outside the world of RISC OS, but also because I wanted to edit down my video recordings of the theatre talks to a more manageable length – and video…
Show report: Southwest 2018
Better late than never, but not as late as last year – so that’s something, right? This year’s Southwest Show took place on Saturday, 24th February, at the Webbington Hotel and Spa – the same venue at which it has been held every year since its inception. This year’s show was therefore the 21st, marking twenty years since the very first one, held in February 1998. There was therefore cake – which you missed out on if you didn’t come to the show, and which everyone who was present enjoyed.…
RISC OS Awards: Another look at the alternative options for 2017
If you haven’t yet voted, why not do so now? The RISC OS Awards poll for 2017 has been open now since mid-March and will be coming to a close in a couple of weeks time. As such, now is an ideal time to take another look at some of the alternative nominations people have made if they felt something other than the options on offer deserve to win in any given category. If you have yet to vote, please do so as soon as possible in order to your…
RISC OS Awards: What about those alternative nominations, then?
The RISC OS Awards poll for 2017 has been open now for about a week and a half, and there have been 60 votes cast – so now is probably a good time as any to take a look at some of the alternative nominations people have made if they felt something other than the options on offer deserve to win in any given category.
Show report: London 2017
The question on everyone’s lips for countless years to come will be “Where were you on 28th October, 2017?” Okay, they probably won’t be asking that – but I’m asking it now. Well? Where were you? I’ll tell you where I was: Feltham. More specifically, the St Giles Hotel – in the conference rooms on the first floor, where this year’s London Show was held. If you weren’t there, I’ll assume you’re reading this because you have an interest in RISC OS, and would like to know what you missed.…
RISC OS Awards 2016 results
The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.
Show report: London 2016
Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor London? This year’s RISC OS London Show took place on 29th October, and while it wasn’t as large as last year’s event (which I’ll discuss near the end of this report) it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile one. So, without any further preamble, here is a run down of what visitors could have seen, working clockwise from the entrance.